31 March 2006

Racing this weekend.

Big race up for the team this weekend with the running of the third World Cup race and one of the more famous classics for the Women. We will be heading down to Gent inBelgium for the De Ronde Van Vlannderen, or as everyone calls it 'Flanders' or the 'Tour of Flanders'.

This is gong to be huge, with men's race happening at the same time, spectators on the course are expected to reach numbers up to 50,000 which should be a real blast for the team riding, and this guy as well. We start almost the same time as the men, but they have 228km and think we are racing 120km or something. We ride on the exact course as the men for the last part of their race, so should be pretty crazy. We also ride the famous 'wall' which is where we clinched the race last year with a 1st and 2nd place from Mirjam and Suzanne L respectively. We are of course expecting a repeat on last year.

Spectating on this course is more of a race for the spectators than the riders, as it's one of those events where you can see the bunch many times. This year we hear there have been many people already practicing their routes they will be taking, with a count so far of being able to see the peloton 16 times!

Righto, must get to work to get a few wheels and bikes organised, below is the race site, start list and map of the race.
And of course you have to cut and paste as i still have to try and link the addresses.





Anonymous said...

Man you are such a luddite - did a(grease) monkey teach you how to use a computer ?

To make a link in blogger type some text and highlight it, then click the link icon on the toolbar, and paste the url to link to in the pop up dialog box.

benny said...

Neo-luddite actually, and what the hell is a url? And what sort of glue should I use, supposing I found one of these urls?

Anonymous said...

Benny, I tried so hard to be no. 1000 on your blog side (thought there might be a prize!) This must be a sad april fools day joke that I'm 1004. LF

benny said...

hey, guess what, I win the prize as I got the lucky 1000 View. but how about a prize for View# 1111, see what i can do..

Anonymous said...

hello. The team went really well at the weekend, keep up the good work. She wants to know how the horse comments are going......

Anonymous said...

Hey, nice blog and great info! Appaloosa