23 March 2007

One night in Hong Kong

What was supposed to be three days and nights in the city of Hong Kong enroute to Europe, almost didn't happen for me. I arrived three hours before what I thought was my departure time at Auckland Airport, when I was given the news you don't want to hear every day. 'Sir, your flight has already gone, the departure time was 0530am not 1730pm' my mind went blank, with a single word being uttered from my mouth 'SHIT'. I was so organised in the few days leaving up to this moment, I almost surprised myself at how on to it I was. Things were organised, packed, sent overseas, money changed, doctors visited, bike antisquishified, and I still had time to visit friends and family. There was that uncomfortable feeling that you have forgotten something major (last year about the same time, upon checking in I remembered leaving my passport under the photo copier lid, this is while trying to be organised with copies of it), or something bad was going to happen. Well it had, I had, in a moment of numeral dislexia (sorry it's a left handed affliction) I had misread the departure time by a whole 12 hours. What a mess, I had to get this sorted, with the least cost, and most advantage, it was going to be hard. What to say in times like this came easy, for those that know me, one of my many catch phrases is 'your kidding', it was perfect for now.

A quick trip to the ticket desk explaining my fuck up and everything started to fall in to place again. Lucky I had a little bit of a breather in Hong Kong, this was not going to cause to much problems for the on going flight past there. My ticket was looking like some sort of eighties T-shirt as it was, it was not going to get any worse. Auckland-Sydney-Hong Kong-London-Amsterdam and then a couple of train trips to my house in Holland, just now, my grand plan of splitting 25 hours of flying into two was rapidly slipping away. But things worked out alright, with a delay of one day only, I was back on the same flight the next day, at 5.30am, this time I would get it right. One more night in my own bed, some good food, a little bit of vodka (actually a lot, but for my nerves mind you) and an early trip to the airport and things would be back on track again.

Nice to see whats inside my bike for a change. Hey which one is it?

Some great views can be seen at night just by looking up

The light gave this sculpture an eerie look at night

Old meets new, such a great piece of neon framed by some bamboo scaffold

Some of the many dried bits and pieces on display, ready for your consumption.

For a few more photos of this trip, have a look here. As always the best way to view these is the slideshow button at the top, gives you almost a movie like experience, enjoy.


AT said...

hey benny, just spent a couple of hours checking out all your photo albums. one word: bloody awesome! great eye you have. you should put a book together!
totally appreciate you loading so many of your photos for everyone to see. they are stunning.

benny said...

Thanks for that, I love showing people some of the world they may never get to see. And mostly they are for the girls I race with and for the teams. As most of them are too busy or racing to have a camera with them. Glad you enjoy them, gives me something to do in the odd times when I have some down time. A forced rest, in some respects, time out away from the bikes. later